doc. PhDr. Luďa Klusáková, CSc. / Mgr. Jaroslav Ira
Comparative history of Europe offers to explore historical comparison as a tool of systematic analysis and interpretation of complex historical processes. The course aims at understanding modern European history and main factors of change employing comparative approach in various fields – sphere of identities, national movements, political institutions and processes, urbanization, social structures etc. The course combines lectures introducing essential theoretical concepts and examples of comparison in explaining history (M. Weber, M. Bloch, J. Kocka, H. Kaelble, M. Hroch, P. Anderson etc.) with case studies of crucial problems of European societies and their fundamental changes on their way to modernity. Programme and the basic reader will be specified according to linguistic skills of students.
Display to students the strategies and possibilities of comparative approach, which helps historians and social scientists to clarify historical phenomena, their specificities, causalities, and contextualisation.
6. ECTS - Active participation in the course, 3 absences acceptable. Evaluation: oral intervention during the course, midterm test – reflection of the course, final examination according to the rules of ECES takes into account the performance of the student during the semester and written essay reflecting the course through presentation of an example of application of comparative approach in history.
Lectures combined with discussions based on reading of obligatory texts on Tuesdays. Participation of guests in discussions envisaged. Further development of themes and discussion of texts and their application on Wednesdays.
Course was designed for an Erasmus Mundus application of Master programme TEMA for students of History and Social Science. It is open to all ERASMUS and ECES students on both MA and BA levels. Very good knowledge of English required, other European languages are very welcomed.
Reader available in electronic format or in photocopies:
Perry ANDERSON: Lineages of Absolutist State, N.L.B. 1974
Peter CLARK (ed.): Small towns in early modern Europe, Cambridge 1995
Geoff ELEY: Nations, Publics, and Political Cultures: Placing Habermas in the Nineteenth Century. In Habermas and the Public Sphere, ed. by Craig Calhoun, p. 289-339. Cambridge, Masschusetts: The MIT Press, 1996.
Heinz-Gerhard HAUPT: European History as Comparative History, Ab Imperio, 1/2004, p. 111-125.
Gudmundur HALFDANARSON (ed.): Discrimination and Tolerance in Historical Perspective, Pisa 2008
Steven ELLIS – Raingard ESSER – Jean-François BERDAH (eds.): Frontiers, regions and identities in Europe, Pisa 2009
Miroslav HROCH: Comparative Studies in Modern European History. Nation, Nationalism, Social Change, Aldershot 2007.
Jürgen KOCKA: Comparison and Beyond, in History and Theory 42/2003
Jürgen KOCKA: The uses of comparative history in Societies made up of history, 1996
Marc Bloch aujourd´hui. Histoire comparée et sciences sociales. Paris: Éditions de l´EHESS 1990.
Hartmut KAELBLE: Der historische Vergleich. Eine Einführung zum 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt/New York 1999.
Hartmut KAELBLE: The European Public Sphere, in Max Weber Lecture Series 2007.
Luďa KLUSÁKOVÁ – Laure TEUILERES (eds.), Frontiers and Identities: Cities in regions and nations, Pisa 2008.
S.R. EPSTEIN (ed.), Town and Country in Europe, 1300-1800, Cambridge 2001
Jaroslav MILLER: Urban Societies in East-Central Europe, Ashgate 2008.
Barrington MOORE: Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy., Boston 1966
Cécil VIGOUR: La Comparaison dans les science sociales. Pratiques et méthodes, Paris 2005
Further literature according to specialisation and linguistic skills of students.
Poslední aktualizace: 2009-10-18 17:44
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