Mgr. Markéta Pnina Younger (Rubešová)
- 1992-2000: František Palacký Grammar School in Neratovice
- 2000-2007: Master degree in Hebrew studies and History at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
- Since 2007: Doctoral studies at the CUNI, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (General History)
Fields of scholarly interest
- Social and cultural history of the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern Period
- Jewish History, problems of its periodization, everyday life in the Muslim and Christian society, special focus on the 16th -18th Centuries
- Jewish Emancipation and „Assimilation“, continuity and changes in the sphere of the individual and collective identities
- Translation and interpretation of the Hebrew texts (Rabbinical and modern Hebrew) – problems and methods
- Stereotypes, identities, the individual and society in the historical perspective
Scholarships and research visits
- 2004: The National and University Library in Jerusalem, Israel (2 months)
- 2005-2006: The Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Visiting Graduate Student)
- The Jews in Istanbul in the second half of the sixteenth Century in the light of the Christian travel accounts, in: Pocta Jaroslavu Oliveriovi, AUC – Phil. et Hist. 2/2001, Nakladatelství Karolinum 2003.
- Childhood and Adolescence in the restless times (The Life of the Young Israeli and Palestinian Generation) in: „Dvacáté století“. Ročenka Semináře nejnovějších dějin ÚSD FF UK v Praze, ed. Martin Kovář-Vladimír Nálevka, UK v Praze 2004.
- Aharon Meged: Shabbat, in: Plus mínus. Antologie izraelských povídek, Argo 2006 (heb).
- Yizhak Bar-Yosef, Love-token, Dharma Gaia a Kontinenty 2007, collective translation (heb).
- Rav Jisrael Me'ir Lau, We have no place to return (extract from the autobiography „Do Not Raise Your Hand Against the Boy“), Babylon 3/XVI 27.11. 2006 (heb).
Occasional contributions to the Israeli section of the iLiteratura website (
- Rabbi Shemuel di Medina as a innocent speaker. The image of the Ottoman society in his Responsa (heb.), Conference of Jewish Studies. Christians and Muslims in Mediaeval and Contemporary Rabbinical Responsa, Ústav židovských studií, Praha, 9.-11. května 2007.