Prof. PhDr. Luďa Klusáková, CSc.
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts |
Tel.: + 420 221 619 203
+ 420 221 619 254 Fax: + 420 221 619 385
History and French degrese (Equivalent to MA) from Charles University in Prague
Postgraduate studies at Charles University in Prague
Professional Positions
Assistant at the Archives of Charles University (CUNI)
1973 - 1974
Assistant Lecturer at the Department of General History of CUNI
1978 - 1987
Reader in History (Associate professor) at the Department of General History of CUNI
1988 -
Head of the Seminar of General and Comparative History at CUNI
2000 -
Supervisor of doctoral research
2000 -
Habilitation at CUNI
2005 -
Departmental coordinator of Erasmus/Socrates programme
1999 - 2007
| (Erasmus/Socrates thematic network) coordinator for Charles University
2000 - 2008
| coordinator (research network of excellence of the 6thFP of EC) and leader of the thematic Workgroups
2005 - 2009
TEMA – project of ELTE Budapest of European joint MA programme co-coordinator with Yasar Abu Ghosh at FH CUNI
2006 -
Invited by ESF in Strasbourg to serve at the Review panel for Eurocores project
2006 - 2007
Member of Scientific board of International doctoral programme with TU Eindhoven and University in Plovdiv
2006/07 -
Visiting Professor:
University of Nebraska at Omaha (1 month)
University of Tampere (Erasmus Programme 2 weeks stage)
Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail (Erasmus Programme 2 weeks stage)
Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail (2 months)
University of Tampere (5 days, international doctoral seminar – Ester)
Université de Paris 4 – Sorbonne (Erasmus Programme – 10 days)
Short Study and Research Visits
Rijks Universiteit Amsterdam (3 months)
Historical Institute, Academy of Science, Tallinn
Université Charles de Gaulle, Lille
Rijks Universiteit Leiden (2 months)
Uniwersytet Warszawski, filia Bialystok
1991, 1994
Universities at Leiden, Vienna, Munich
Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III (1 month)
Institute for Humane Sciences, Vienna (3 months Mellon Fellowship)
Toulouse - Auch, archives departmentales
2006, 2007
Current research interests and activities
European cities and their modernisation in comparative perspective. Social organisation of space and demographic development. Problems of innovations as an aspect of the modernisation process and further to the problem of perception and interpretation of the changes in towns by those who witnessed these changes. Most recently small peripheral rural towns and their strategies for change (usage of history, heritage, innovations) and on the attitude of urban societies towards innovations. In broad context the issue of cultural identities and perceptions of various othernesses.
Current research projects
2005 – 2009 - – Research network of excellence supported by the 6FP of EC. Leader of thematic workgroup „Frontiers and Identities“.
2005 – 2009 - „Modern Europe – unity and diversity: European culture and identity, 18th – 20th century“, leader of the team within research framework: VZ - MSM 0021620827 České země uprostřed Evropy v minulosti a dnes (main coordinator: prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Beneš, CSc.)
Personal project – the Backward as the „Other". The problem of rural (peripheral) regions, untouched by (large) industrialisation, perception of peripherality, identification with backwardness. Innovative spirit, historical heritage and small rural towns.
Results: - publications and activities of the Thematic workgroup 5: Frontiers and Identities
Chevalier de l´ordre des palmes académiques
awarded by the French government
Mellon Fellowship Award (stipend for 3 months in IWM in Vienna)
Academic societies membership
European Association of Urban Historians (EAUH) – member of international committee since
Czech Demographic Society
Institutional representative in the Council the Association of universities Europaeum
Selection of publications in English and French:
Cultural Conquests 1500-2000, in Studia Historica, AUC, Philosophica et Historica, Karolinum 2008. (co-editor with KIRK Tim).
Frontiers & Identities: Cities in regions and nations, Edizioni Plus. Pisa 2008 (co-editor with TEULIERES Laure).
Imagining Frontier, Contesting Identities, Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2007, 458 s. (co-editor with ELLIS, Steven G.)
Frontiers and Identities: Exploring the Research Area, Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2006, 214 s. (co-editor with ELLIS, Steven G.)
Meeting the Other, Studies in Comparative History, pro Studia Historica LVI, AUC, Philosophica et Historica 2/2003, Praha 2006 (co-editor with KUBIŠ Karel)
”We” and ”the Others”: European Societies in Search of Identity, Studies in Comparative History, Studia historica LIII, AUC Philosophica et Historica 1/2000, Praha 2004, 275 s. (editor)
The Road to Constantinople. The Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Towns through Christian Eyes, ISV: Praha 2002, 248 p.
Peripheries or Crossroads of Cultures? Towns of East-Central and South-Eastern Europe in Urbanistyka, Miedzyuczelniane zeszyty naukowe, 5, Warszawa 2000, Special edition, Session Papers for Fifth International Conference on Urban History: European Cities: Networks and Crossroads Berlin 30 August – 2 September 2000, 64 p. (co-editor with GZELL Slawomir).
Criteria and Indicators of Backwardness. Essays on Uneven Development in European History, Praha 1996, 200 p. (co-editor with HROCH Miroslav).
Articles – chapters in collective books
Between Urban and Rural Culture: Public Use of History and Cultural Heritage in Building Collective Identities (1990 – 2007), in KLUSÁKOVÁ, Luďa - TEULIERES, Laure (eds).: Frontiers and Identities. Cities in Regions and Nations, Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2008 , p. 299 – 322.
Perception des frontieres au début de l´Europe moderne : La route militaire de Vienne a Constantinople, in: Jean-François Berdah – Anny Bloch-Raymond - Colette Zytnicki (eds.): D´une frontiere ? l´autre: migrations passages, imaginaires, Toulouse, CNRS - Université Toulouse 2–le Mirail, Collection Méridiennes 2007, p. 65 - 73 .
A European on the Road. Searching “Connecting Themes” for Frontiers, Borders and Cultural Identities: Approaches, concepts and empirical evidence in: KLUSÁKOVÁ, Luďa – ELLIS, Steven G. (eds.): Imagining Frontier, Contesting Identities, Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Plus, Pisa 2007, p.1 – 19.
Within and Beyond: the Reciprocal Relations and Intersections of Identities and of Symbolic and Territorial Borders, ELLIS Steven - KLUSÁKOVÁ Luďa (eds): Frontiers and Identities: Exploring the Research Area, Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2006, s.101 – 135 (co-author with KUBIŠ Karel, ŘÍCHOVÁ Blanka, SUŠOVÁ Veronika, KROCOVÁ Martina, DANIEL Ondřej).
Terms and Concepts: ‘frontier’ and ‘identity’ in academic and popular usage; in ELLIS Steven - KLUSÁKOVÁ Luďa (eds): Frontiers and Identities: Exploring the Research Area, Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2006, s. 1 – 15. (co-author with ELLIS Steven).
The Burgus of Leiden: The ”Image” of the City as the Component of Identity, in SVATOŠ, Michal – VELEK, Luboš - VELKOVÁ, Alice (eds.): Magister Noster. Sborník statí věnovaných in memoriam prof.PhDr. Jana Havránka,CSc., Karolinum: Praha 2005, s. 97 – 106.
Oriental or European Identity? – Modernization and Balkan towns in Czech popular discourse, in We and the Others: European Societies in Search of Identity, Studies in Comparative History, Studia historica LIII, AUC Philosophica et Historica 1/2000, Praha 2004, s. 131 - 151. (co-author with SOBOTKOVÁ Hana).
The Spread of Cultural Innovations. Towns in East Central Europe, in: NIEMI Marjaana & VUOLANTO Ville (eds.), Reclaiming the City. Innovation, Culture, Experience. Studia Fennica Historica, Helsinki 2003, s. 135 – 147.
Between reality and stereotype: town views of the Balkans, in: Urban History, 28,3 (2001) Cambridge UP, p. 358 - 377.