PhDr. Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Ph.D.
Consultation hours: Wednesday, 13:00-14:00, main building, room 302b, or by e-mail
- 1996-1997: studies at Charles University in Prague (CUNI), Faculty of Education, history – civic education
- 1997-2003: master studies in history at CUNI, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Master thesis: The Forming of Yugoslav Cominformist Emigration in Czechoslovakia)
- 2003-2010: postgraduate studies at CUNI, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. (The Subject of the PhD project: Yugoslav Cominformist Emigration in Czechoslovakia)
- January – March 2004: History teacher at Grammar school in Litoměřice
- since April 2004: employed in The Office of Documentation and Investigation of Crimes of Communism, department of Documentation in Prague
- since March 2006: assistant, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University in Prague
Fields of scholarly interest:
- History of South East Europe in 19th and 20th century
- Czech-South Slav relations in 19th and 20th century
- Social and national movements in Central and South East Europe
- Communist movement and regimes in Central and South East Europe
- Czechoslovak history after 1945
Research and study visits:
- 2000–2001: University of Marburg, Germany, 6 months
- March – June 2001: University of Vienna, Austria, 4 months
- University of Belgrade, Serbia, 1 month
- University of Belgrade, three weeks
- University of Belgrade, two weeks
- Jan Pelikán – Lubomíra Havlíková – Tomáš Chrobák – Jan Rychlík – Miroslav Tejchman – Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Dějiny Srbska [History of Serbia]. Praha, NLN, 2005 (Author of chapters on Culture in Serbia in 19th and 20th Century)
- Jihoslovanští studenti na české a německé filosofické fakultě v Praze 1882-1902. [South Slav Students on the Czech and German Faculty of Arts in Prague 1882-1902], Slovanský přehled LXXXVI, 2000/1, s. 63-78.
- Formování jugoslávské informbyrovské emigrace v Československu [The Forming of Yugoslav Cominformist Emigration in Czechoslovakia]. Slovanské historické studie 29, Praha 2003, str.123-211.
- Jugoslávská informbyrovská emigrace v ČSR 1948–1954 [The Yugoslav Cominformist Emigration in Czechoslovakia 1948–1954, Reports on the Sixth Balcanistic Symposium in Brno, April 2005, forthcoming.
- Laušman v Bělehradě. Několik dokumentů k působení Bohumila Laušmana v exilu v Jugoslávii [Laušman in Belgrade. Some Documents on Activity of Bohumil Laušman in Yugoslav Exile]. Securitas imperii 2/2006, forthcoming.
- Aleksandar Jakir, Dalmatien in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Agrarische und urbane Lebenswelt und das Scheitern der jugoslawischen Integration, Slovanský přehled LXXXVIII, 2002/1, str. 116-121.
- Damir Agičić, Hrvatsko-češki odnosi na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće. Slovanský přehled LXXXIX, 2003/2
- Kosta Nikolić, Ravnogorské hnutí a německé okupační síly v Srbsku v letech 1942– 1944 [Ravna gora´s Movement (The Chetniks) and the Occupation Forces in Serbia 1942–1944 (translated from Serbian)] Slovanský přehled XC, 2004/2, str. 249-274.
- Slobodan Selinić, Jugoslávská kultura v Československu 1945–1950 [The Yugoslav Culture in Czechoslovakia 1945–1950 (translated from Serbian) ], Slovanský přehled XCII, 2006/2, s. 249-272.